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Dress Code

Dressing appropriately for all school functions is a way of showing Ken Caryl pride. Neatness and cleanliness are the hallmarks of appropriate dress. Good judgment in dress is expected.

To promote a safe and educationally sound environment for students, this dress code is in effect at all times at school and school-related functions: 

  • Students must wear clothes that cover the area from armpit to armpit
  • Student’s top must touch student's bottom when standing
  • Clothing tops must have straps 
  • Clothing bottoms must be down to 3–4 inches in length on the upper thighs
  • All undergarments must be covered
  • Offensive or illegal language or graphics are not allowed
    • No profanity, obscenity, sexually explicit, drugs or alcohol or tobacco, satanic or bullying imagery or references
  • No informal head coverings
    • No hats, hoods, beanies or bandannas are allowed
  • No heavy coats should be worn in classrooms
  • No sunglasses or non-prescribed eyewear should be worn in classrooms
  • Shoes that have a sole must be worn at all times 

The following actions will be taken for dress code violations:

  • The student will be allowed to change into dress code-appropriate clothes that can be retrieved from their locker or will be provided clean, school-issued clothing. They will not be allowed to return to class until the violation is corrected. 
  • Clothing that was in violation of the dress code will be held in the main office and can be picked up after school. 
  • Repeated violations will result in disciplinary actions.

Dress Code Guidance in Jeffco

Responsibility for student dress and appearance generally rests with individual students and their families. Students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress and appearance; however, students shall not wear clothing or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is disruptive to the educational environment. Jeffco Public Schools standards on student attire are intended to help students focus on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety.

Disciplinary action for violating the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and requiring that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building-level administrator, a family conference may be held. More serious consequences may result from repeated or serious violations.